da mans first blog

nike dunks

nike dunks

slam dunk

slam dunk






mean cars

mean cars

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On friday 7 of august we had cross country

Sunday, June 28, 2009

this guy is dead

Sunday, June 21, 2009

If I meet a hopping elephant who climbed Everest I would?

Ask him how would you climb muont everest hopping?

You would make avalanches because you are so heavy.

Ask him if i could have a ride on his back while he is hopping?

take a picture while he is hopping.

Then i would ask him are you the first animal to climb mount Everest?

By Lewis

Thursday, May 28, 2009

my super hero from hero factory

What super powers do they have.
super strong, invisability, super fast, has wolverine powers, cant die.

What adventures do they have.
go to the moon and fight aliens.

What is there alter ego.
MRT by day and a super hero by night.

Do they have a side kick.
yes it is Mohammed Ali he will punch them to death.

Write an incredible adventure for your super hero.
go to saturn and fight aliens and U.F.Os.

Who is there arch enemy.
50 cent and spider man.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

mouldy machine

used band aids, toe nails, spiders, snot, wasaby, cow poo, alive worms, slugs, drugs, rabbit guts, maggets, tomato juice, used skiddy undies, shaved hair, rotten teeth, cat puke, kitty litter, pee, blood and sweet, spit, year old eggs, toe jams, frog legs, dirt, pig tail, dry skin, live tadpolls, cockroacks, flies, mould, used tooth brushes, alive rat, afro hair,

thats my yummy pie from Lewis

Sunday, May 24, 2009

spinning back flip

spinning back flip

another backflip

another backflip

cool nikes

nike high tops

nike high tops
i wish i had them

nike boots

nike boots
my dream boots

silver bird

silver bird